Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Well, it's been a while since I posted....to fill you in....since we moved Fantabulous to Summit North Marina it has been hot!! oh baby!
we see  blue heron, turtles fish, and helicopters .......yes, I know helicopters aren't wildlife, but they fly over and we understand they perform maneuvers on the other side of the tree line........ interesting. Sometimes big cargo ships go by on the canal. they look like floating cities!
Joe has been "puttzin" on the boat, fixing up the water tanks, changing valves on the dingy. new stereo..........
One interesting thing that happened, I went over to Chesapeake City one day, when I came back the power was off.......2 buzzards flew into the  power lines and blew off the power. they came to fix it and all was well, except for the poor buzzards.........:( !!
Georgia trip is approaching...............more later.............