Sunday, June 30, 2013

Thomas Wolfe once said you can never go home again.  In other words, returning to a place again, it will not be the same as you once remembered.  Well, such as the case with our anchorage in Mile Hammock Bay.  when we were here on our trip down, we were treated to the most beautiful sunset ever!20+ boats sat topside and had a great night.  This time, it was windy and rainy. the winds of they did howl!!! all night!6 of us this time weathered the storm.Joe set the anchor first time and we were fine. One guy had to try 6 times till his anchor set........  This morning we left the bay and made the 9:30 bridge opening and proceeded up the ICW towards Morehead City.  But the rains came and it was not lookin good, so we pulled into Swansboro, another  quaint river town on the White Oak River where it meets the Bogue Sound.  A lovely area!  So, like Bob Dylan sang.........Come in.......I'll give you shelter from the storm. And that's what we did!!!, we were soaked to the bone.
But later, the sun came out and I went for a walk over the bridge and into town.  This lovely lady resides outside a shop in Swansboro.
and......this lovely lady......Lolita......will reside outside on my porch when I get home!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

 we're thinking maybe TowboatUS couldn't even help this guy!

Another hot day but tempered by the winds, so was not so bad.  We left Myrtle Beach around 8 and docked in Southport 12:45.  I like the short days!
The movie Safe Haven was filmed here.  I walked into town and they were filming Under the Dome.
This is another cute town with nice houses.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Good day on the water. It sure was hot! We were chuggin down the Waccamaw river, thru the cypress swamp and abandoned rice fields.  made it to Myrtle Beach Yacht club to hook up with friends Linda and John on Blue Moon.

Monday, June 24, 2013

beautiful sunset when we  droped the hook in the south Edisto River
Blue Moon's boat with a lovely sunrise in Dewees Creek.......ah brings to mind the song......

Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears

this was the theme of our high school  year book.......!

ok..........I digress..... back on topic........we are currently in Georgetown, SC another quaint town, with shops and restaurants lots of history, a Rice Museum, yes folks a museum dedicated to Rice! actually, in 1730 Georgetown was the center of the rice crop in the colony......... and INDEPENDENT SEAFOOD right next to our marina. walked over for jumbo shrimp.......boiled simply and devoured quickly! Then we walked into town for ice cream. 
 This tree is by the seafood place, covered with ferns, so unusual!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

AND WE'RE OFF!! Left Brunswick, GA Saturday morning June 15 around 7am rounded the bend and bid a fond farewell to St. Simon's Island. See you on the trip down! good bye Denise, good bye Jenny!
winds were 10-15 kts with seas to 5 was not a good ride, especially for me........yep, the ol rockn and rollin got to me and I was sea sick. But we finally pulled into Sapelo Sound, dropped anchor and watched the sun set.
Sunday dawned a beautiful day and we headed off up the ICW, Joe looked at the winds and decided to go inside.........THANK YOU JOE!!
We pulled into Isle Of Hope around 2pm and hear, Hey Joe! Cheryl! across the dock was Steve and Judy from Havre de Grace. You could have knocked me off the dock with a feather, I was just thinking about them that very morning, wondering where they were now......I was thinking south.......Virgin Islands or something. but no.....they are heading back north the Havre de Grace. so we went to lunch and talked about our winter........
Next morning I grabbed a marina bike and rode to this lovely plantation. The driveway is the scene from Forrest Gump Forrest Run!!!
Next time we pass thru here I'd like to walk the grounds. The home is not open to the public, it is lived in by a descendant of Noble Jones one of Georgia's first settlers.
Hilton Head! they treated me to a royal staircase to board Fantabulous............Vertically challenged no more!!
Motored out of Harbour Town and up the Calibogue Sound , across Port Royal Sound and into Beaufort, SC.  This is a quaint town, rich in history, antebellum houses, beautiful gardens, a lovely waterfront park. Every one is friendly, nice shops. So glad we stopped here.
Would love to have this in my back yard!

Monday, June 10, 2013


 Monterey Park.....park from book In the Garden of Good and Evil
 Forsyth Park
We drove into Savannah, took a trolley ride around Savannah.We had a great day!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Hope you don't get tired of fantabulous sunsets.......we don't! this one was taken from our dock.  Was fun to watch how the colors evolved and finally became  what you see here.
We made it through Tropical storm Andrea....the eye went west of us, so we had just a little wind and mild rocking.

First day here we headed over to Southern soul those burnt end samwichs!